Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Portrait, Mackenzie

I can't express how much I enjoyed shooting these photos of Mackenzie! She is so comfortable in front of the camera and it LOVES her! 

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Seasonal Portrait, Dorothy & Harry Potter

Jeb and Mackenzie are such fab little models! You'll see more of them here!

Seasonal Portrait, Elvis

This Halloween I did a "Photo Phundraiser" for my little sister's softball team. We had lots of fun taking Halloween Costume Portraits!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Food, Gourmet Girl's pumpkin soup

Let me tell you, people!!!! This soup is the best I've had in a long time! I've been back to Silver Spoon twice just to eat it! You can find the recipe and musings on how awesome it is at .

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Candid, Annika Laughs at Me

I love this photo of little Annika! There is so much life and excitement here!!!!

Food, Gourmet Girl's crabcake

I've started doing food photography. It's actually really great. There is ultimate control over your subject and limitless options when manipulating the light. It would be nothing without the beautiful gourmet food by my dear friend Katia, also known as Gourmet Girl. The beautiful images I've been capturing are for her new blog . . . check it out!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Graphic, Gourmet Girl

I did this as a test for a friend. I think it turned out pretty good! Check out her blog at!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Portrait Collage, Annika's 1st Bday

Annika's first birthday photos turned out so wonderfully! We had alot of fun shooting them! I totally underestimated the speed of a 1 year old walker, so I got alot of exercise that day.

Friday, September 21, 2007

my new website graphics . . . blogger won't let me upload it!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Headshot, Kathy

What a star!

Headshot, Monica

I think Monica has such a beautiful glow in the this shot! The lighting that day was so perfect with absolutely no need for a diffuser or reflector! We thought we would have a 'rain delay', but by the time we were ready to shoot it was pleasingly cloudy (so great for photos).

Headshot, Tricia

New Orleans is such a beautiful backdrop for promotional shots! There is such a great variety of tones and textures that add interest to your background, not to mention the amazing energy in the city... I loved shooting there!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Skyscape, August 8, 07

“Photography” doesn’t mean “shopping for cameras.” It’s derived from Greek words meaning “Drawing with Light.” The best light for your subject can make all the difference. - New York Photography Institute

I read that and thought of this photograph. I think that the world God created is so amazing & the light that is spread over it allows it to be everchanging. Ever notice how light effects everything. Turning the light on in the bathroom in the middle of the night can really effect you, YIKES! Lighting some candles makes an evening romantic. Like this photo, the setting sun can turn the sky into the most beautiful painting you've ever seen.

What can I say? I've been inspired!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Lighting Test, Ruby's fish

OK, I know. This isn't the usual. I was testing out the lighting in Ruby's room when I took this. Every time I see it I can't help but stop and stare! There is just something so striking about this simple little toy and the composition of this off the cuff shot. It looks so happy and, might I add, so well lit!

Candids, Ruby & Alex

I went location scouting last weekend with my trusty assistants. I'm always sure to get a few lovely photos when I have these two in tow!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Urban Landscape, Jackson Square NOLA

The sky was so beautiful that night! Prints available, email for information.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Candid, Savannah Sleeps

Sports Action, BK

BK is one of the hardest working softball players I have ever watched! She hustles full on for the entire game. Talk about team spirit, check out that smile just moments after an injury on the feild!

Candid, Taylor

Sports Action, Dane & the Ump

Friday, June 22, 2007

Softball Dugout Portrait, Becca "Buka"

Softball Feild Portrait, Becca "Buka"

Portrait Collage, Becca and Ruby

I think that Becca might just be Ruby's favorite person in the world. They have such a beautiful connection that I really feel is captured in this portrait.

Portrait Collage, Alex and Ozzy

These were taken with my Canon Film SLR (they aren't quite as crisp as my digital) at our home in Midcity New Orleans just before Hurricane Katrina. We were totally living in the "salad days".